Building a smart campus?


As part of the co-design challenge looking at the intelligent campus, one area that we have found interesting and would like your views on is the smart campus.

In the past we had standard televisions, today most televisions that are sold are smart televisions, as well as having traditional tuners, they are also able to access the internet and often have apps for content.

A smart campus is one which is connected, and is able to both make decisions about various environmental factors, but also gathers utilisation and tracking data to inform those decisions.

The internet of things, as in intent connected devices, makes it possible for us to gather real-time data about the environment and usage of our campuses. We could connect our rooms and the environment sensors to enable us to collect that data.

It is easy to imagine using this data to ensure our rooms and facilities are managed effectively, but could we go further and monitor environmental conditions in learning spaces or even, using facial recognition software, student reactions during learning so that we can continually refine the learning experience?

This doesn’t replace what teachers and lecturers do, but helps inform them and so enhance the learning experience.

We believe that these scenarios are feasible. But are they desirable? And are they the most promising scenarios on offer or are there other scenarios that we should be focusing on?

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